Wednesday, January 28, 2009


I was a little troubled this afternoon after I read in a Filipino Methodist blog a question from a Filipino pastor about baptism. I was not troubled by the discussion nor by the content of the question. The question, what is thhe Methodist belief in baptism, is a valid question. But for this question to be asked by a pastor, someone who leads a church and guides the faith of his congregants is a little troubling. How can a pastor (much more if he/she is ordained elder) not have any clue about Methodist belief on baptism? Are these the kind of church leaders we have? Then what kind of christian followers (who are guided by the pastor) do we have? I hope the laity know better than the pastor. But this is not to blame the pastor. This is to question the church, the church structure, the District COM, the Conference BOOM, and everybody responsible for affirming and ordaining a person to be a pastor who may not yet be fully ready and equipped. We must consider this. Pastoral ministry is not a job or occupation. It is not to be taken for granted. That is why, we must take courage to educate our pastors for us to have quality church leaders.

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