Monday, January 12, 2015

Further in the ministry

After five years in the ministry, the clergy starts to wonder how else can he serve better? One option that comes to mind is furthering our knowledge and go to post-graduate studies. But what post-graduate studies? Here are some options you can consider:

1. Doctor of Ministry

The D. Min program is usually a professional degree that furthers the ministerial reflection of the clergy in practical ministry. This usually takes two to four years including the thesis writing.

2. Doctor of Theology

This is a relatively new academic degree different from the Ph.D. Yet it also focuses heavily on rigorous research and study. This may take four to five years.

3. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

The traditional academic degree in post graduate studies for most clergy is a PhD in Religion. However, new fields of focus have emerged including Old Testament, New Testament, Biblical History among others. This usually takes four to five years with strict requirements in research and study.

So, how would you like to proceed?