November 24, 2007
I moved to an apartment in Bedford Street. The apartment is a 3 bedroom unit and I would be sharing it with Daniel and Inseo, my classmates in the seminary. I have no trouble living in an apartment with other people since I lived most of my college and med life with my classmates. What's interesting with this new setting is I would be living with two other people with cultural backgrounds totally different from mine. What is more interesting is that we would be living with our families together.
Yes, my family would be with me. They came here early Novemeber and that is one of the reasons I had to move out from my host family. I had to find a place for me and my family. God is so gracious in using my friends who readily offered their place so I can have a place where my family can also stay.
This set-up would work. Financially, it is cheap enough that I can afford it. The location is close enough to Duke. The place is safe and secure enough. Plus I would be blessed knowing I am living with my family. And when I say family, it's not just my wife and daughter, but that I would be livng with my Christian brothers and sister.